Signs of an unsuitable saddle width
If the sit bones cannot rest on the entire surface, they rub against the sides of the saddle as they have no support. This results in friction on the periosteum of the sit bones and discomfort. If the saddle width is already suitable, you may initially experience pain in the sit bones, as a familiarization phase of five to six rides may be necessary to get the sit bones used to the initial new pressure load. You should take a break of at least two days between these first rides, as irritated periosteum and muscle and tendon attachments react much more sensitively.
If the sit bones extend beyond the contact surface of the saddle, the sensitive pubic arch is lower, which can cause numbness because the perineal area is not relieved and the pressure of the body weight cannot be distributed over the sit bones. Blood vessels and nerves can be compressed, which can cause numbness. With the right saddle width, which corresponds to the sit bones, the weight is distributed evenly over the sit bones and the sensitive perineal area is kept free. The dip in the middle of the saddle and the slightly lower saddle nose also provide additional space.
Pain in the tailbone can occur more frequently in women, as the tailbone is slightly lower. With a very upright sitting position, such as on a city bike, the tailbone comes very close to the bicycle saddle. In combination with a saddle that is too soft or too narrow, this can lead to discomfort. Here too, the right saddle width in combination with SQlab's step saddle concept can provide relief.