His target:
To develop a new product for Mountain Bikers and racing cyclists in a very sporty sitting position with all necessary ergonomic adjustments.
The basis:
The existing 612 ERGOWAVE® is the basis of the following investigation, since Max himself rode races predominantly on the 612 ERGOWAVE® and trained for hours on this saddle.
The study topic:
"Load-indicated changes in saddle pressure in cycling based on a dynamic pressure measurement analysis of the SQlab 612 ERGOWAVE® saddle".
The result:
The new 612 ERGOWAVE® R Saddle
Max Holz was awarded the well-known "Dr. Gertrude Krombholz Prize 2019" by the Technical University of Munich for the outstanding achievement in his scientific work.
Irritating sitting problems up to physical consequences, such as impotence, are under discussion, as the saddle has to carry 40% of the body weight (Rodano et al., 2002). Cyclists have an increased, permanent load at the respective pressure points, which changes with different performance behaviour and influences the pressure on the saddle (Carpes et al., 2009 and Potter et al., 2008). For this reason, a deep understanding of the anatomy of the pelvis is an essential part of designing a saddle with the best possible adjustments. The areas from the sit bones to the pubic bones are the only bony contact points in the pelvic floor and are therefore the most "pressure resistant". The perineal area consists of a sensitive network of nerves and blood vessels that extends from the anus to the genitals and the pubic arch (Sobotta, 2011).
Approach of the study: Therefore, it is additionally important to critically examine the pressure measurement chart with the load area and to minimize the unphysiological sitting areas, such as the pelvic and pelvic floor muscles. This means that the more sporty and stretched the sitting position is, the more the pressure shifts from the ischial tuberosities to the pubic bones and to the central perineal area. How does the saddle shape change in this context?
This is clearly shown by a study by Sommer (2003), which examined the blood flow to the genitals in two different sitting positions. The comparison of an upright sitting position at an angle of 90° with a sitting position with an upper body angle of only 40° showed a 40% higher blood flow for the upright sitting position (90°).
In addition, it has been found that a wider saddle allows 50% better blood circulation than a narrower saddle, which improves the contact area and pressure distribution (Sommer, 2003).
As the force on the pedal increases, other structures that support body weight, such as the saddle, are lifted, resulting in lower saddle pressure.
This has been significantly demonstrated by a study with two different power levels, 100W and 200W (Potter et al., 2008). From this it can be concluded that different power outputs lead to different pressure values in the saddle.
However, the study by Carpes et al (2009) claims exactly the opposite. According to this study, the mean pressure and also the pressure peaks increased with intensity, in this case from 150 W to 300 W. While Carpes (2009) tested recreational cyclists, Potter (2008) tested experienced cyclists. In further investigations Carpes demands that the cyclist's level of experience, his athletic condition and also several stress areas should be investigated. If a cyclist spends a lot of time in the saddle, the cyclist is expected to have improved adaptation to the bike (Carpes et al., 2009), which might explain the difference from Potter's results.
Resources: Gingell, K.M. / Desai, C. (Bristol 1989). Hazards of long distance cycling. Department of Urology, Southmead Hospital, S. 60:450-6. Potter, J. J.; Sauer, J. L.; Weisshaar, C. L.; Thelen, D. G.; Ploeg, H. (2008). Gender Differences in Bicycle Saddle Pressure Distribution during Seated Cycling. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercised, Vol. 40, No. 6: 1126–1134. Dagnese, F.; Martins Ede, A.; Carpes, F. P.; Kleinpaul, J. F.; Mota, C. B. (2009). Effects of Workload on Seat Pressure While Cycling with Two Different Saddles. International Society for Sexual Medicine, No. 6: 2728–2735
In general, the more athletic the group (more training kilometers), the more the saddle pressure adjustment was visible.
In addition, pelvic obliquity occurred in 97% of all subjects after a range of 180-200 watts was exceeded and maintained once. It can be assumed that this rotation of the pelvis or bending leads to a biomechanical effect of an over-expansion of the gluteus maximum, which causes an adaptation to a physiologically more efficient contraction mode (Gressmann 1995). This overstretching of a muscle (maximum 20% muscle shortening) makes use of the elasticity of the muscle fibres and this can be confirmed to acclimatise to this effect.
The more intensive a cycling tour becomes, the less pressure is generated on the saddle (up to 24%), but the more the pressure shifts to the front areas of the saddle (after 200W) and thus to the soft tissues. As a result, the pudendal nerve is pinched off.
A flatter and thus rotated inclination of the upper body results in poorer blood flow to the genitals.
Therefore a saddle should be chosen for the respective use:
For a low to medium performance level in an upright to stretched sitting position, a saddle must be selected that has the sit bones as the main pressure point.
For a high to very high performance level with a very stretched sitting position, a saddle should be chosen that offers a large and adapted surface to relieve the perineal area and the pubic bones.
Implementation of the study in the product 612 ERGOWAVE® R
Since the soft tissues are more sensitive than the bony structures of the sit bones, the pressure shift is observed as an increase in pressure, even if objectively a decrease in mean pressure values occurred.
For this reason, in cycling, but also in other sports areas, the concept of ergonomics has increasingly gained acceptance. In such cases, the aim is to ensure the best possible adaptation of the human being to the bike from an objective and subjective point of view.
Two requirements can be derived from the results:
On the one hand, it is recommended to support the load on the sit bones during an extended constant ride and the associated individual sit bone width.
On the other hand, a support and relief of the pubic and perineal area during intensive rides, which indicates a relief of the unphysiological sitting area, has a positive effect. The pubic vault should be supported even more and the width of the saddle nose should be dimensioned in such a way that the required area is available for intensive sessions.