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Coccyx pain when riding a bike?

With a very upright sitting position, the coccyx comes very close to the bicycle saddle. In combination with a saddle that is too soft or too narrow, this can lead to complaints. To avoid a painful coccyx - especially for women - a SQlab step saddle is recommended.

Causes of  tailbone pressure

Too narrow saddle
Too narrow saddle

Too soft saddle
Too soft saddle


Too narrow saddle 

Cause - saddle too narrow 

can lead to high pressure on the tailbone

SQlab Solution 

Step saddle with pressure distribution according to medical aspects on the sit bone 

When in a very upright position, the tailbone can be very close to the saddle. In combination with a too soft or too narrow saddle this can lead to discomfort and pain. 

A SQlab steppe saddle is recommended to avoid a painful coccyx, especially in women. The SQlab saddle in the correct saddle width provides the sit bones with the perfect support so that the tailbone does not come in contact with the saddle. 

Sit bone measurement for the correct saddle width  

Too soft saddle 

Cause - too soft saddle 

leads to sinking sit bones

SQlab Solution 

SQlab saddle models in different saddle firmnesses adapted to riding duration and area of use

Sit bones get used to the load
Deep-seated muscles and tendones are stimulated by soft pads

A too soft saddle usually becomes very uncomfortable after approx. 30 – 45 minutes on the bike.

The sit bones sink in so far, that sensitive soft tissue such as muscle and tendons are aggravated. After approx. 30 – 40 minutes a dull deep pressing pain sets in.

The sinking in of the sit bones also causes the perineal area in men and the lower positioned pubic bone arch in women to be subjected to higher pressure. Specifically, soft padding will effectively stop the blood flow. It is rare that the padding is so soft that the saddle shell causes the discomfort.

SQlab Solution
Soft saddles are generally only suitable for short distances!
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